vivek roy

A Growing Alliance : India-Saudi Arabia Strategic Partnership

India-Saudi Arabia Strategic Partnership: A Growing Alliance Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of international diplomacy and global geopolitics, strategic partnerships between nations play a pivotal role in shaping the world. One such alliance that has garnered significant attention is the partnership between India and Saudi Arabia. In this article, we will delve into the multifaceted…

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health insurance

Choosing the Perfect Health Insurance Plan for Your Needs Introduction In today’s modern world, health insurance plays a crucial role, offering financial protection and access to essential healthcare services. However, the multitude of options available can make it challenging to determine the most suitable health insurance plan for your unique needs. In this article, we…

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Italy’s G20 Summit Bombshell: Unraveling the Exit Plan from Belt & Road Initiative

Italy’s G20 Summit Bombshell: Unraveling the Exit Plan from Belt & Road Initiative Introduction: At the G20 Summit, Italy’s shocking announcement to exit China’s Belt & Road Initiative has sent waves through the world. This unexpected move has triggered questions about Italy’s motives and its potential impact on global geopolitics. In this article, we’ll delve…

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G20 Summit 2023

G20 Summit 2023: Navigating Global Challenges Together The G20 Summit, scheduled for 2023, is a significant international event that brings together leaders from the world’s largest economies to address pressing global issues and foster cooperation on various fronts. This summit holds immense importance in the realm of international diplomacy and policy-making. In this article, we…

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